

A Makefile is a file, read by the Make program, which executes all the commands and rules in the Makefile.


Remember the first two days of C Pool. You were supposed to use bash and build your own aliases and scripts. Make is kind of a custom build script that makes your programmer-life really easier.

At EPITECH, you’ll be using Makefiles to compile your code, using a compiler.

Generic Makefile

A simple Makefile is composed of your project source files (the .c files) and some rules to make your Make command work.

You have to list your source files like this:

SRC = ./main.c \

After that, you can use them to build your objects. It will take all .c files in $(SRC) and compile them into .o files.

OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)

For the compilation there is a feature that allow you to compile each .c with flags, it’s the +=. For example let’s add verification of errors flags : -Werror -Wextra and a flags to find .h of your project : -I./include. You can call this variable CFLAGS for compilation’s flags.

CFLAGS += -Werror -Wextra -I./include

Be careful !

You don’t have to call this variable in your Makefile, he will solo add it to the compilation of your .c.

Now, set the name of your final binary using NAME, so the AutoGrader can find your binary correctly.

NAME = binary_name

Then, it is mandatory to create a $(NAME) rule that will execute other rules, and render a binary.

$(NAME): $(OBJ)
         gcc -o $(NAME) $(OBJ)

all:     $(NAME)


When you have a rule like $(NAME), the rules put in the same line will be used as mandatory rules. After those rules have been called, the command on the next lines will be called.

For instance, this will execute the ls command without executing any previous rule.


You can also have some rules that permit you to clean-up your folder without having to do it manually.

For instance, this clean will remove .o files. Also, fclean will remove .o files and the binary. re will do fclean and re-make your binary.

        rm -f $(OBJ)

fclean: clean
        rm -f $(NAME)

re:     fclean all

Don’t forget to put a .PHONY, in order to avoid relinking. Put all the rules you use.

.PHONY: all clean fclean re

And that’s pretty much it ! Your Makefile is now ready to use.

Criterion Makefile

At EPITECH, you use criterion for unit tests. In order to make it clean there is a approach given by EPITECH.

First of all, you have to add a new rule to your main Makefile, according to EPITECH this rule should be named tests_run.

Pro tip

In order to make it cleaner we recommend you to another Makefile in the tests directory and link to the main. To call a Makefile rule of your tests Makefile just type : make -C tests/ [rule_name] in your main Makefile.

The tests_run rule should compile your sources files .c and your tests files. This rule must launch your binary ./unit-tests.

Mendatory !

You never have to put your main function in the source files that you compile for unit tests : Criterion have his own.

Your tests must compile with the CFLAG --coverage (see Generic Makefile). This flag will create .gcda and .gcno of your sources files.


Make a rule to clean all your .gcda and .gcno files.

Now, when you launch your tests_run rule, your binary of tests should compile again and execute so that you can see if you passed tough your tests. You should see your files from –coverage. You can use the gcov [files] to see how many line were executed when you launch your unit tests.

Clear all .gcda, .gcno and .c.gcov and you can push it to the AutoGrader !

Library Makefile

Advanced Makefile